By: Gabriella Chilczuk
The children of our future are making their voices heard around the world. From the Juliana v. United States case, to the climate strikes rapidly spreading across the globe, climate change is now a conversation that the youth of our planet has taken into their own hands. From cutting class to go on strike, to suing the federal government, they demand to be heard.
The Juliana v. United States case is one representation of the youth’s voice that has made a bold presence in the climate conversation. Like many others in their generation, the 21 youth plaintiffs stated that their rights to life, liberty and property have been stripped from them through the government’s actions. This case, now being called the “trial of the century”, will use scientific evidence to support their statement that the government’s allowance of the fossil fuel industry and other harmful practices have threatened their future. Their end goal is to get the federal government to create a national plan that phases out the fossil fuel industry and restores earth’s stability. Under both the Obama and Trump administration, statements have been made that there should be no trial. Yet a strong case has been made and the wait for a trial date continues. Andrea Rogers, the attorney defending the young climate group, will be one of the panelist speakers at the next CSoT. She will be giving insight on how science will be used to drive policy change in a court setting.
While the Juliana v. United States case is using their voice in court, others are striking to show the weight climate change has on them. Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish activist, unknowingly began a global movement last year when she started to take time away from class to demand for actions against climate change. Her actions got attention in Britain, where the movement took off. Marches are now happening across the globe. Germany, Australia and Uganda, are only a few of the countries following Britain’s lead. With the amount of missed school increasing, participants have made it clear they demand a better future for themselves and for the planet.
The movement is now making its way to the Pacific Northwest, where Zero Hour Seattle has taken the lead on planning a climate march. The march is planned for July 21st, following a lobby day on July 19th and a poster/art event on the 20th to create props before taking the streets.