Upcoming Climate Events

Start by doing . . . Just One Thing!     Whether you are new to climate action or a seasoned activist, a group of friends or an organization, you can to find one thing (or many) and be part of the solution to climate change throughout the Cascadia region and beyond!

Join with the many individuals and groups creating a growing momentum to save our planet for the livable future!

Individuals, Families, Neighbors and Friends:  Can you find an upcoming event that you can support  because it embodies your values, builds on your strengths, and will benefit from your skills, experience and talents?

Organizations and Groups:  If you represent an organization, church, or other group, will you use this calendar to avoid conflicts when scheduling your events?   Will you find upcoming events on which your members can collaborate?  Will you share these events with your members through your website and newsletters to increase their opportunities to work on climate change?   You can submit events for posting or make suggestions by emailing climatecommunity.cascadia@gmail.com.