Final EIS & Permit: Westway Oil Terminal (Grays Harbor)

Comments accepted through:  November 19, 2016.

The final EIS for the proposed Westway crude oil shipping terminal at Grays Harbor has been issued and now the City of Hoquiam has a decision to make: to grant or deny the permit for the project.  There is one last opportunity for written public comments that screen-shot-2016-11-10-at-3-08-30-pmwill end on November 19, 2016.

Westway has applied to the City of Hoquiam for a shoreline development permit.  To act on this permit application, the City must take into account the findings of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) that evaluates the broad range of impacts of oil trains going to Hoquiam of 100+ year old tracks and more oil tankers navigating the Harbor.  The FEIS clearly found that impacts to tribal treaty rights, access to fishing, and the risk of a devastating derailment or marine oil spill cannot be mitigated.   

For more information, visit: Washington Dept of Ecology Grays Harbor Terminal Expansion, or Stand up to Oil or contact Tammy Domike, Citizens for a Clean Harbor,